All The Cape Has To Offer
Nearshore Fishing
All The cape has to offer
nearshore fishing

Fishing just off the beach here at Cape Lookout can produce some very exciting fishing, from casting a fly to blitzing False Albacore to jigging a bucktail for Giant Red Drum. On nice days we are able to venture out to some nearby structure and look for Reef Donkeys aka Amberjack! The species we target on these days is seasonal and they can include, but not limited to Red Drum, Albies, Amberjack, King Mackerel, Cudas, Blue Fish, Spanish Mackerel, Bonito, Gray Trout, Sharks, bottom fish such as Black Sea Bass and Flounder. Ask about what’s best for the time of year you’d like to fish. Most days it’s the most fun to go out and see what’s happening; then adapt and catch whatever presents itself given the conditions.

Fishing Techniques
How We Fish

Typically I will have artificial lures on the boat which work very well for most nearshore species around Cape Lookout. Nothing beats sight fishing with an artificial lure and watching the bite happen. It’s hard to beat throwing topwater lures like poppers for Amberjack and surface plugs for Albies or Red Drum. But some of the time you have to go deep to find the fish with vertical jigs and bucktails so we do that too. We also know how to effectively use live and dead bait techniques. From Trolling live baits for King Macks to casting topwater to AJ’s or Fly Fishing, I have you covered!

- Nearshore mixed bag Full Day (8+ hours) $800
- All rates are based on 2 people. There is an extra $50 per person fee on half days and $100 per person on Full days up to 4 people max.
Cancellation Policy
The Captain has the option of canceling the trip due to weather for safety reasons or if the fishing will be effected negatively by rough conditions. If your trip is cancelled due to weather your deposit will be refunded or you will have the option to re-book at a later date. You will be contacted the night before to discuss weather. Rain is not a weather event that I will cancel a trip for, only thunderstorms, wind and fog are major factors.
We will always go fishing if the weather permits, if you cancel and fishing is possible your deposit will not be refunded unless you have a family emergency etc. You will have the option of re-booking at a later date if possible.
If the weather changes while we are out fishing forcing us to call the day early we will work something out that is fair. By either charging for just a partial day or re-booking your trip for a later date.

Frequently Asked Questions
Polarized sunglasses, camera, rain gear, non-marking boots or shoes, hat, adequate warm layers for the weather and any food/drinks you’d like to have on the boat. Feel free to bring your own fishing gear if you would like to use it. Keep in mind I do provide all tackle needed for your fishing day.
All clients over the age of 16 are required by law to have a North Carolina coastal fishing license. They can be purchased at any retailer that sells fishing licenses and can also purchased online. If you would like to purchase your license online please visit the link on the Contact page.
This is a common question that unfortunately cannot be answered easily. We can give you a general area but fishing locations are determined on a day to day basis as we try to keep our guests on the best possible bite. Everything we do is aimed at client success and creating the best possible experience on the water. With that said although a general location may be specified we ask you keep an open mind and let the guides expertise dictate the fishing grounds.
Kids are most definitely welcome on the boat. We want kids to pick up interest in fishing! Just let me know in advance so I can supply proper sized life jackets for kids under 13. Certain trips are not ideal for children. So give me a call me and I will set up an appropriate trip for you.
I do not offer fish cleaning services, but I will have a large cooler for fish on the boat so you can keep what you catch. Your catch just has to meet State and Federal regulations for size and species. If you plan on keeping fish, make sure you have a fish cooler & ice to transport the fish home with you!
The Captain has the option of canceling the trip due to weather for safety reasons or if the fishing will be effected negatively by rough conditions. If your trip is cancelled due to weather your deposit will be refunded or you will have the option to re-book at a later date. You will be contacted the night before to discuss weather. Rain is not a weather event that I will cancel a trip for, only thunderstorms, wind and fog are major factors.
We will always go fishing if the weather permits, if you cancel and fishing is possible your deposit will not be refunded unless you have a family emergency etc. You will have the option of re-booking at a later date if possible.
If the weather changes while we are out fishing forcing us to call the day early we will work something out that is fair. By either charging for just a partial day or re-booking your trip for a later date.
You can call me directly to book at (336) 354-9582 or shoot me an email at A $100 deposit is required on all bookings. Deposits are preferred to be mailed to me as a check or with a credit card. I will accept checks, credit card or cash at the time of your trip for the remaining balance. Gratuity is always appreciated!